About Us

Sage & Bumble (Rebranded from Autumn Hill Boutique 27/12/19) is a small, online and bricks and mortar family run gift boutique. We have a love of handmade, with many items handmade by us but you will also notice throughout the website lots of handmade items from other small independent artisans.  I believe handmade is quality, it is uniqueness, it is another’s passion, dream and soul put in to a creation just for you and you cannot beat that. These wonderful people are labelled on the boutique as “World Class Independents”(because i believe they are). There is nothing more that i would like to see than our high streets filled with small businesses but times are hard for independents, rents are high and moral is low. These are just some of the many reasons why i am stocking handmade alongside many other gifts. So far the handmade gifts that you see throughout the boutique are made either by us or by people i have met personally and have fallen in love with their products or by people that i have purchased from as a buyer and have loved what i have bought. Over time you will see the handmade items expand as we show off many more skilled artisans. We already have a wonderful range of gifts and home decor that we hope cater for all ages and budgets.

If you would like to sell with us pop us an email and we can discuss having you on board.

Much Love


Sage & Bumble

Shop address;

No6 Queen Street




Not Just Another Gift Shop